
In 2021 and 2022 Executive Orders were passed to protect LGBTQIA+ rights. But it is hard to miss the flood of new state legislation attacking those same rights. One of the best sources online for getting informed about this issue is the ACLU. There I learned that in the past few years, over 100 bills attacking transgender people alone have been introduced in state legislatures. One of the ACLU’s greatest features is an interactive map that allows you to track legislative issues in your state. Fortunately, my home state of New York currently has zero bills targeting LGBTQ rights. However, in NJ, less than 30 minutes away and where I go to school, there are no fewer than six bills attacking LGBTQ rights to civil liberties, healthcare and education.

Civil Rights

Bill A328 was introduced to the State Assembly would allow discrimination against LGBTQ citizens if it conflicted with another citizens’ ability to exercise their religious beliefs


Senate Bill 3076 was introduced to prevent anyone under 18 yrs old from being able to access medication or medical procedures that would alter the course of puberty. Punishments include 3-5 years in prison and up to $15,000 in fines


Senate bill 585 and assembly bill 1418 allow parents who object to their children learning about gay people in school to get vouchers for kids to go school elsewhere.

Senate bill 589 and assembly bill 1630 effects trans students ability to play sports alongside members of their own gender.

It’s time to get involved!

Learning about the bills that effect those around me the most is a start, but the best way to effect change is through action. Each one of these bills has to be debated in the state legislature before it is passed and that debate includes time for public comment. Every voice matters!

 “Openness may not completely disarm prejudice, but it’s a good place to start.“

Jason Collins, 2014

First male professional basketball player to publicly identify as gay